Clean, affordable and

reliable heat for all

We are Yeager Energy. A sustainable energy company. Our goal is to deliver clean geothermal heat and power at scale. In doing so Yeager Energy makes a significant contribution to the energy transition in the Netherlands.

Almost half the energy consumption is used for generating heat. Geothermal Energy can provide some 30% of the current heat demand in the Netherlands.

What is geothermal energy?

What is geothermal energy?

Geothermal energy makes use of the local presence of hot water deep in the earth (in the Netherlands up to 100°C). It is an almost inexhaustible source of renewable energy.

Geothermal energy is a local, sustainable source of energy that is renewable, reliable and affordable.

From the deep subsurface (up to a depth of about 3 km) this hot water is pumped up, the heat is removed and the cold water is pumped back (circular process). This sustainable heat is used by means of heat networks (district heating) for heating homes, businesses, greenhouses and (light) industry. In addition, the extraction of geothermal energy can also be used to cool buildings and homes. If the temperature of the pumped up water is high enough, it can even be used to produce sustainable electricity.

The use of geothermal energy is not new and has already been used by the Greeks and the Romans. Geothermal energy in combination with heat networks is already widely used in large European cities such as Reykjavik, Paris, Munich and Milan.

The term geothermal comes from Greek and is composed of "gé" = earth/soil/land and "thermós" = warm/hot. Geothermal energy simply means "heat from the earth".

Clean & renewable heat

Geothermal energy originates from the earth’s core with a temperature of some 6,000 °C.

The earth holds enough thermal energy to last billions of years.

Water which is present in formations (porous rock layers) at several kilometres depth has been heated to some 100 °C (in the Netherlands). This water is produced to the surface where the heat is extracted in heat exchangers. After this heat extraction, the cooled down water is pumped back to the same subsurface formation from which it was produced and where it will heat up again. The process is cyclical and sustainable.

It is therefore a virtually limitless source of heat.

Reliable & affordable heat

Decades of experience in the Netherlands and worldwide have resulted in reliable and safe geothermal installations.

When connected to other (renewable) energy systems, to other sources of sustainable heat and to back-up systems, a reliable heat supply is guaranteed.

The long-term costs associated with geothermal energy are stable and predictable. Geothermal heat can compete with natural gas, especially in the current economic climate.

The heat price for consumers is regulated by the Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) in the Netherlands and this price is established every year.

Energy independence – locally available heat

Geothermal energy is produced locally. Heat cannot be transported over long distances due to temperature losses.

With the wide availability of geothermal heat in the subsurface, geothermal energy can provide some 30% of the current heat demand in the Netherlands.

Introducing geothermal energy as part of the energy mix leads to greater independence from natural gas and a greater energy independence and energy security.

Geothermal energy is local and contributes to an independent energy system

Always available

Geothermal energy is always available and is independent of weather conditions – sun or wind, day or night or the seasons. It is always available – 24 hours per day, seven days a week.

Because of the wide presence of hot water in the subsurface, conditions are favourable for (conventional) geothermal developments in the Netherlands.

Safe energy

Geothermal energy has been produced safely and responsibly for over 100 years.

Geothermal energy is regulated by the State Supervision of Mines in the Netherlands.

Geothermal operators have to investigate the potential risks for health, safety and the environment and must mitigate these risks by adopting and adhering to certain measures and procedures prior to the start of any operations.


Geothermal energy is one of the cleanest and most efficient forms of sustainable energy after the use of natural gas.

Geothermal energy has a CO₂ 'pay-back time' of several months. The CO₂ emitted during the mining of materials, the drilling of wells and the construction is ‘paid back’ in this time.

A single geothermal system can provide sustainable heating for up to 15,000 homes and thereby avoid emissions of 20,000 to 30,000 tons of CO₂ per year.

Proven technology

Geothermal energy was already used by the Greeks and Romans and is a proven technology.

Geothermal energy produced from several kilometres depth has such a high capacity that thousands of homes and companies can be supplied with sustainable heat.

This is already happening in places such as Reykjavik, Munich, Milan and Paris for more than 50 years with hundreds of thousands of connections.

There are currently 26 geothermal systems in operation in the Netherlands, mainly providing clean sustainable heat to the greenhouse horticulture sector.

Small footprint

A geothermal installation occupies a small surface area and hence has little spatial impact on the surroundings.

The production of geothermal heat does not cause any odour, dust or noise and does not cause any impact on human, animal or plant life or the subsurface.

New jobs

The growing geothermal sector creates new jobs – within the geothermal energy sector but also in the construction and operation of district heating systems.

In addition, jobs are also created with suppliers, advisors, governments and others.

It is expected that this concerns thousands of new jobs.

According to ECN (part of TNO, the Netherlands Organisation for applied Scientific Research) a net gain of some 39,000 to 72,000 full-time equivalent jobs is expected in 2030 in the Netherlands. For every lost job in the fossil energy sector, seven jobs in the sustainable energy sector will be created.

With regards to the sustainable energy infrastructure sector this could result in some 20,000 new jobs.

Yeager Energy is...

...a geothermal energy producer

We produce geothermal energy at scale to sustainably heat homes and commercial buildings, greenhouses and light industry.

We do this in a safe, reliable and affordable way.

We have the necessary experience – from conducting geological studies, drafting license applications, thorough stakeholder management to the safe construction of our geothermal systems and ensuring the safe production of geothermal energy.

...district heating network developer and operator

In addition to producing geothermal energy we also have the ability to deliver sustainable heat to our end-customers – from “Source to Sales”.

Yeager Energy’s aim is to develop and operate smart heat and cold networks (Smart Grids) in in combination with geothermal energy and other sources of sustainable heat for residential areas, industry and the greenhouse sector.

We work with city councils, housing corporations, energy companies, engineering firms and others to realise our aims.

Help us to develop geothermal energy systems both in the Netherlands and abroad